Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today I surfed...kind of

Me and the board
These are my surf buddies

This is the beach that I surfed at

The surf

Same surfing beach

Japanese gardens

Volleyball at Coconut Island
Soooooo....Out the door at 8am because surf was up ya know. I was extremely nervous to try surfing but I did and it was really hard. It was so hard just to balance myself laying flat on my stomach on the board. Once I got that down then I rode one wave in , flat on my stomach. It was the biggest blast ever! Then....I was done for the day, whew!
Me and my surfing buddies then met with the rest of the group at Coconut Island for lunch and volleyball. The Japanese gardens were across the street from Coconut Island, very pretty.
We got back home and had a Hawaiin lady talk to us about Hawaiin culture. She was so sweet and it was so interesting.
Aloha is a greeting but it is actually 2 words..Alo and Ha. Ha is the divine presence in everyone so when 2 people meet and say Aloha it is acknowledging the divine presence in the other. And once the Ha is exchanged you will only practice kindness to each other.
Right now some of the group is out playing volleyball on the property while dinner is being cooked. Time to eat soon. Not sure what is in store for tonight but I am pretty exhausted from riding the wave(singular).
Aloha, Jill

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