Monday, July 12, 2010

Sunrise out my back door at 5:45 AM
This is where we have yoga and meditation

Solar panels. We are off the grid except they use a gasoline powered generator for 2 hours a night.

This is Ulu. I cooked it for dinner tonight. It is a fruit that tastes like potatoe. You cut it open and it is white inside. We have lots of leftover so I heard them talking about fried Ulu for breakfast.

This is one of the fruit counters. Bananas all over the place. Also papaya and mango.

This is an avacado. Huge. They are soooo good.

When we eat a pineapple they cut off the top and plant it. You can see a tiny pneapple growing from this plant in the backyard.

Pineapple tops planted in the back.

Front yard. Huge banana grove.

Bananas in the front yard.

Chickens. Fresh eggs every day. About 15 a day.


more avacado

More avacado

Huge avacado tree in the front yard

Papaya tree right out the front door.
So today was my first yoga day. Didnt love it, didnt hate it. But I have yoga every morning at 6 am so we will see if it grows on me.
Today was also my first work day. I have to work for 5 hours a day. Today I cleaned and made beds and swept and mopped and hauled bedding all over the place. I also cleaned the entire kitchen. Also prepped an dcooked most of dinner. Long day!
We had about 9 new people arrive today. I was looking forward to more people but it got hectic here really quick. Lots going on. The teen program starts on Wednesday so more people will be arriving all the time.Im not sure what we do for the teen program yet.


  1. How did the banana bread turn out?

  2. Love the new pics!! The sunrise looks gorgeous!!! And the food looks great! I am glad to hear you like the vegetarian food so far.

    I wonder if you will eventually start to like the yoga more. Do they talk about the benefits of yoga or just delve into doing it? Do you get to go to any spiritual classes?

  3. Hi Jill,

    I am enjoying your blog! Love all the photos of plants and fruits and seeing the area. Wow, lots of bananas... Have fun!

  4. Banana bread was sooo great. They loved the loaf with the chocloate chips. I kind of snuck them in thinking they would be horrified that I made the loaf slightly unhealthy but they loved it.
    I am still nit liking yoga and we dont have classes. We have electives which are all fun stuff.
