Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sailing in the ocean!!!
Becca and me sailing!!!
Today we had our usual morning routine and then had marimba practice for an hour. We had to leave at 10 am sharp for sailing. We went to Hilo Bay to a sailing club. We had some quick instruction and then got out into the ocean for about 3 hours. It was a blast!!! Sailing in the ocean is so much more fun than sailing at the lake.Im so amazed that I was sailing in the ocean in Hawaii!!!
I can smell pizza cooking in the kitchen so dinner should be fantastic!!! Actually the food is always good.
I heard that the lava is flowing at some volcano so we are supposed to head there maybe sometime tonight or tomorrow to see it. It is supposed to be better to view it at night so maybe at midnight we will go.If not, tomorrow sometime. Everyone is so excited and said it is incredible. I will send pictures of course.
Aloha, Jill

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