Monday, July 19, 2010

Homemade pizza for dinner last night

Becca meditating at the lava bed
Yoga stuff at the lava bed

double rainbow

Aja and Alina

hot moving lava

Sunrise at the lava bed

hot lava heart

the group. My Mirimba teacher is the guy in the middle with the white shirt. My Ukelele teacher is the guy next to (to the right)of the girl in the bright green sweatshirt. Yoga teachers are the guy in the maroon shirt and the guy behind him standing.

it started raining while we were there

oops , same picture

We were up at 4 am, yes 4 am, to go to the lava bed. It started flowing a few days ago so we are lucky to get to see it. It is very hot and moves very slowly.
We got back and ate breakfast and preparred for a full day of cleaning. We have a big event with 100 people coming here on Wednesday so we had to get the place ready.
Some of the group went to a waterfall but I was pooped so I stayed behind and hung out the girls which was fun. It rained while they were at the falls so it ended up being a good decision.
Tonight I had another Ukelele class and learned a few more chords and another new song.
Time for bed...Aloha, Jill

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