Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Im almost too tired to post tonight but I can tell about my day briefly. I havent been anywhere or taken any pictures in the past few days.

Today was the first day of the teen program. I was up at 5 am to get ready for the 5:45 energizers in the backyard. After that was yoga and meditation. I am not liking yoga so much but I think if I keep doing it I will maybe like it better.

After breakfast we had a service/workday. I pulled and replanted many, many, many plants by the pond in the backyard. It took about 3 hours.A lot of work.

After lunch we had a workshop on yoga which didnt make me like yoga any better. I know more about it now that it has been explained but I could do without it.

Then....after breakfast...I took a class that was offered on how to play the ukulele. He taught us a few cords and a song that we ended up playing later for the group.I like the ukulele. For those of you on the post that know this song..I learned to play..Listen, Listen , Listen to my heart song.

Tonight was a community pot luck and Kirtan. Many people from the community come and bring food and we did a lot of singing and chanting. It is still going on but I have been busy all day so have retreated to my room.

Tomorrow starts again with the same routine. Each after noon is elective classes so it is something to look forward to because they have a lot of good things offered.

More later. Aloha, Jill

1 comment:

  1. What a change from your easy going schedule here dear friend. However, it sounds WONDERFUL. Energizing and exhausting. You'll come home brown as a berry and skinny no doubt! lol
    Blessings! Carole
