Tuesday, July 27, 2010


The first 2 days back from the "camping" trip I just took it easy. I slept in and read all of the first day back and did some work around the house and read the second day. The group was back on Monday at 4. I had made some burritos in case they were hungry when they got home and good thing because they were starving. Turns out I am somewhat of a good vegetarian cook. I also made another loaf of banana chocolate chip bread. That didnt last long.

Last night Becca and I went to a Kirtan at another retreat center because one of the woman here was leading it. It was a good chance to get out of the house and see something new. We stopped at the warm ponds on the way there but we just stuck our feet in for about 30 minutes.

Today was back to the normal routine. Yoga and meditation at 6 am and then work. There was plenty of work to do....cleaning everything that came back from the camping trip and putting things away. We decided to go through the refrigerator and try to make something with the extra food that came back from the camping trip. There was a lot of cream cheese left so I said...cream cheese...you know what we should make???? Another gal says,.....celery with cream cheese??? I said noooooooooooooo....think tastier and less healthy.....we should make cheesecake!!!!! So I made 3 of them. We also had a lot of graham crackers which I made the crust with. Everyone is really excited so I hope they taste good.

Becca and I sat down and tried to figure out what to do for fun for the next few weeks we are here. It should be fun. We just have to figure out how to get around since we dont have a car. There is a good bus system but we are not too close to the bus line here.

Thats all for now.Aloha, Jill

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