Friday, July 16, 2010

I rode to the top of Green Mountain in the back of this truck. I held on for dear life on the way up. We had to duck when a tree branch was too low and it was very bumpy. It reminded me of a Disneyland ride. On the way back we sang rock songs at the top of our lungs. Sooooooooooo much fun!!!
Sunset at the top of Green Mountain.

View from the top of Green Mountain

View from Green Mountain

View in another direction. You can see most of the Island from up here.

This is the group of people in the program.

We just arrived at the top and were exploring around.

We cleaned this pond(swamp) as one of the service projects for the day. It looked much better than this when we were through. We pulled the seaweed out and loaded it into a truck.

This is the view of the swamp pond before we hiked down.

Another view

This is a Marumba. We had a 2 hour lesson and learned a complete song which we are going to perform on Wednesday night. It was a blast.
We did the usual morning routine....meditation, yoga and work. Our service/work project was cleaning up the garden at the boys and girls club in Hilo. We worked hard pulling weeds and building a chicken coop. I also spread a bunch of mulch.
In the afternoon we had the 2 hour Marumba class. Everyone particiapted and we gradually built a song with differnt parts and alternating between playing together and everyone coming in at differnt times. There is a community event here on Wednesday so we will play at that. One more day of practice on Sunday. I love the Marumba!!! This is a picture of the one that I played.
We usually only have one service project a day but we squeezed 2 projects in yesterday. In the after noon we went to the pond in the picture and cleaned it for 2 hours.
Then we rode to the top of the Green Mountain. So beautiful.
I have to go to the morning meeting now.They blow the conch shell when it is time and I hear it blowing.
Aloha Jill


  1. Wow! Looks like you are having fun! Love the afirmation. I may print it out and use it myself. Love the photos and the blog... Feel like I am there too!
