Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day One

The main house from further away and the garden.
The grounds with gardens.

View from my room walking outside.

View from my room.

My room.

This is my room. All set up.

This is a picture of the main house. I am stayin on the bottom floor in the back.

My flight was great and I landed in Hilo at about 2:40. When the guy at baggage weighed my bag and it came to 50lbs...he looked at me and said"Nice", like I was a master packer or something.I mean it is a talent so I get that.
I got picked up from the airport from a few Polestar people and here I am. I decidede to take a room in the main house instead of the raised tent outside.
There are only a few people here but they are expecting new arrivals for the teen camp on Tuesday. I was ready to get working but it is the weekend so I have it off. So I got my room set up and have been reading. I made myself a vegitariam quesadilla....wheat tortilla, avacado, cheese and mushroom. It was really good!

Yoga is 7 days a week so I have that to look forward to tomorrow at 6AM. They want to take me to the beach with the hot ponds tomorrow. I guess the volcanic activity keeps the water warm. Im also thinking of making banana bread tomorrow. They have soooo many bananas.

I have to conserve water and compost stuff so that will be new for me

It is so quiet here.
I dont have very good cell reception. They say that it works with ATT but I have verizon so I probably wont be calling unless I am away from here. I dont even know if it will work then. It will best to contact me by the internet although that was down much of the day.

1 comment:

  1. That's great that you have your own room and are enjoying the food. Can't wait to hear about yoga and more about what you'll be doing for work!
    We love you!
    Nic & Amy
