Friday, July 30, 2010

hilo mall

Saw a movie today!!!!
Bob Marley at the dollar/fashion store. Lots of Bob Marley stuff everywhere. Also Obama stuff everywhere. Hometown heroes!!!!

Amusing sign in the mall.Thought we might find some good fashion deals here. Nothing for a dollar nor anything fashionable here.???Lots of ETC.

Becca splurging

uh huh!

MY Lunch w/meat

Just thought this shop sign was funny

Before we left for the mall I was telling everyone at the house that I couldnt wait to go to Hot Dog on a Stick in the mall(all we eat is vegetarian food in case you didnt know). Becca and I got a woman to take a picture and Becca asked the girl working there to get in the picture too. She told her we were on a scavenger hunt and needed her in it. So silly but it cracked us up.

Ok so.....

Not much happening here until TODAY!!!!!

The people returned from the campout on Monday and most everyone was gone but some people left on Tuesday.We did get to go to the warm pond on Monday evening. It is like a bath so warm and comfortable. So Tuesday was a major cleaning day. The cheesecake that I made on Tuesday was delicious and everyone was so excited about it.Wednesday we cleaned some more but also had to get ready for the Kirtan and community pot luck on Wednesday night. Becca and I did a lot of the work for that and made dinner for that too.

Wednesday morning, the horror of horrors. Becca and I had to rake and pick up and haul wheelbarrows full of lawn clippings. This took us 2 hours and about all of the energy I had in this old body.

Thursday was a much easier day of cleaning, but there wasnt that much left to do. We mostly cleaned the area that we live in. In the evening we got a baking bug and baked 4 loaves of banana bread.

Today, some people were heading to the airport so Becca and I got a ride into Hilo and got dropped off at Borders Books and then went across the street to the mall. The Hilo mall is about 1/100th the size of most malls but hey...they had a food court!!!! I did eat some meat for the first time and it was delicious!!!

We went to the movie theater at the mall and saw Inception which was great. We needed a ride back so we had thought maybe we would take a bus back but one of the kids from the program met us at the movie and we went back with him. But not before stopping at STARBUCKS!!!! Last week for Beccas birthday I told her I would buy her a coffee for her birthday so that it would give us a normal activity to look forward to.

I ended up driving the car home because the back seat of this car was pretty small and the driver said he would sit back there. The car is a stick shift which I havent driven in about 30 years but after the first few stop signs I was ok.

Becca and I decided to make a photo journal of our mall experience so I have included it here. We were being somewhat silly but it was so fun to be out in public that we decided to have some fun with it.

Starting Sunday we have new people arriving and by the end of the week there will be 13 new people here. This happens at the same time that the owners of the house are leaving for a few weeks so they asked Becca and I to take a major role in cooking for these people next week. We are pretty excited because this means we wont have time for the horror of horrors next week.

We did a whole cooking and menu chart and shopping list so we are ready to go. Cooking for 13 plus all the people who are already here will be a bunch of work but we can do it. I am thinking banana bread and smoothies every day as part of the menu.

Its Friday so it is volleyball and sushi night.
Aloha, Jill

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