Saturday, August 7, 2010

Farmers Market

AJ and Becca jamming in the living room

Volcanoes of Hawaii


Pele, Goddess of the volcanoes

You know it

Im staying on the big Island on the right

Big Island on the right

Smoking volcanic crater

This was at the Volcano National Park

Steam vent blowing in my face. Was hot steam but it felt good. Free facial as I see it.

Steam coming out of the ground
Volcano National Park

Lava tube

At the park

Marianna explaining the the lava tube
Looking down into the volcano, inactive

Today is my last day here so I wanted to get the rest of the pictures posted.
We went to the farmers market today and I got a donut and some lemonade. Yum!
Last night they took us to the Volcano National Park. It was so beautiful. It is huge and amazing.
Im very ready to come home but am going to be sad to say goodbye to all the people that I met and will miss the beautiful scenery everywhere. I have started to pack and hope to get in a few activities today.
See you all soon!
Aloha, Jill

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