Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Went to the warm ponds on Monday and again last night. It was Mariannas birthday so we had a party there. We swam for a while and then had a picnic dinner. Becca brought her guitar and AJ brought his fiddle and they played music for a bout an hour. Such fun!

It been raining here a lot. Just had a major down pour(7:45 am).

Im missing home and ready to come back. Missing friends and my kids and Chevy's. Im going to try and get us much out of the next few days that I can and soak up all this beauty. I know I will miss it when I leave.

Becca and I are mostly in charge of keeping the house clean and ready for new guests this week . The house is in tip top shape, looking really good.

We watched the bachelorette finale during our break yesterday. First time watching any tv really the whole time I have been here. I dont know any news or anything that is going on in the world and it is kind of nice that way.

I learned a few more songs on the ukulele last night. I might need to get one to bring home.

We have a big Kirtan and potluck tonight so Wednesdays are always a long day getting ready for that, no breaks really. We have big plans to get out tomorrow night and go to the planetarium in Hilo so hopefully that works out. The stars at night here are amazing!!!!


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