Saturday, August 7, 2010

Hawaiin rules to live by

Hawaiin rules to live by~

1. When it begins it begins
2. Whoever is there is supposed to be there
3. Whatever happens is supposed to happen
4. When its over its over
Farmers Market

AJ and Becca jamming in the living room

Volcanoes of Hawaii


Pele, Goddess of the volcanoes

You know it

Im staying on the big Island on the right

Big Island on the right

Smoking volcanic crater

This was at the Volcano National Park

Steam vent blowing in my face. Was hot steam but it felt good. Free facial as I see it.

Steam coming out of the ground
Volcano National Park

Lava tube

At the park

Marianna explaining the the lava tube
Looking down into the volcano, inactive

Today is my last day here so I wanted to get the rest of the pictures posted.
We went to the farmers market today and I got a donut and some lemonade. Yum!
Last night they took us to the Volcano National Park. It was so beautiful. It is huge and amazing.
Im very ready to come home but am going to be sad to say goodbye to all the people that I met and will miss the beautiful scenery everywhere. I have started to pack and hope to get in a few activities today.
See you all soon!
Aloha, Jill

Went swimming at Pohiki on Friday



Old car we saw

This is where we bought our ukulele

University of Hawaii Astronomy Center

oops. I dont know how to delete obviously

The night sky in the planetarium

The tile floor at the planetarium

Mowed the lawn on Thursday

Looks good!

Oh yeah!!! Nice!

Funny little sign in the parking lot.
Becca and I took the car and went to the Astronomy center in Hilo and also other hot spots in Hilo, like the Ukulele store. We both decided to buy a ukulele. Now I need to learn how to play it. Im excited though.
Aloha, Jill

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Went to the warm ponds on Monday and again last night. It was Mariannas birthday so we had a party there. We swam for a while and then had a picnic dinner. Becca brought her guitar and AJ brought his fiddle and they played music for a bout an hour. Such fun!

It been raining here a lot. Just had a major down pour(7:45 am).

Im missing home and ready to come back. Missing friends and my kids and Chevy's. Im going to try and get us much out of the next few days that I can and soak up all this beauty. I know I will miss it when I leave.

Becca and I are mostly in charge of keeping the house clean and ready for new guests this week . The house is in tip top shape, looking really good.

We watched the bachelorette finale during our break yesterday. First time watching any tv really the whole time I have been here. I dont know any news or anything that is going on in the world and it is kind of nice that way.

I learned a few more songs on the ukulele last night. I might need to get one to bring home.

We have a big Kirtan and potluck tonight so Wednesdays are always a long day getting ready for that, no breaks really. We have big plans to get out tomorrow night and go to the planetarium in Hilo so hopefully that works out. The stars at night here are amazing!!!!


Monday, August 2, 2010

Huge statue at Kilani
Another statue

Totem pole at Kilani
We made sure not to go that direction

This is me driving the most beat up truck you have ever seen. Geez!!

Bug on the side of the road. You like Arij?
scenery on the way home

Driving down the road at full speed. The road is windy and bumpy but I kept going. Caught air a few times. Laughing all the way.

Aloha everyone!

Its still pretty quiet here. One new person arrived from Texas last night and 2 more people coming today. Becca and I made black bean soup for lunch and it was actually delicious.Everyone was so excited for black bean soup. OK?
Becca is pretty much the only visitor here and luckily we get along. She is 22 years old from New York City and goes to school in Washington DC at Georgetown. We are both pretty much city girls living out in the middle of nowhere on a farm. I've been thinking about this clip from the movie, Private Benjamin lately. Especially the day that I had to rake for 2 hours. " I signed up for a different kind of(army) work". And when I look like a mess and havent had a good meal in a while. " I want to go out to lunch."

Saturday we went to another retreat center called Kilani. It was really pretty and we sat under a tree and read spiritual books and talked about them. It was fun and interesting.It was a clothing optional place so it was kind of interesting. We only saw a few naked people though.

Sunday we had some work to do because took Friday off but in the afternoon we went to Hilo again and hit some major stores, Walmart, Sears, Ross and Hilo Hatties.We came home and made Eggplant Parmesan which was absolutely fabulous. We decided to have a movie night and watch The Peaceful Warrior but there was too much noise in the house so I just went back to my room to read.

Becca and I cleaned screens and windows today. Not too bad of a job.
This afternoon one of the guys was going to beautiful downtown Pahoa so we got a ride and went to a few shops there. Tomorrow is one of the gals ,who lives here permanently, birthday so we got her a few things...Marianna. She has been really great to me taking me swimming in the warm ponds and teaching me massage and just hanging out and having good conversations.

Hopefully we will hit the warm ponds again tonight on the way to a Kirtan in town. I might play my Listen , Listen, Listen to my heart song on the ukelele at the Kirtan tonight which would be pretty funny. Only a few people come to this one so no big deal.

So the bachelorette picks her bachelor tonight and I am going to miss it. Becca and I are going to Hulu it tomorrow.
Im only here another 5 days then home on the 6th day.
Aloha, Jill